Sunday, March 22, 2009

military ball

it was fun just like i expected. i got really sore. haha. like for some reason everytime i would dance with alex i would like get really sore and i cant dance for awhile haha. rodolfos a good dancer, kept grabbing my hips. never knew he had it in him. haha, i kepy dancing with julie. she didnt want to dance with anyone else b/c she didnt want to feel like a pedofile. i was sad for awhile b/c chief wouldnt dance with me. he kept moshing and i t was pissing me off. i got to dance with him on a slow song but he kept stepping on my feet. jluisa and i kept trying to lose her date haha. it was funny. i had to dance with him once just so she can runaway, but he always found her in the end! haha. then he started dancing with other girl. omagh! my babygirl lost her Vsquad membership that night! haha she was all telling me a jay. we were like WOW! haha. shes just a freshman! but yeah. it was overall. i really surprised bunz with his date. it was sooo funny. he actually fell for it.
at first i didnt know what to do b/c he was already hinting that it was jessica. but i really wanted to surprise him so to throw him off bubba and i decided we needed a decoy. so like when i was in the bathroom doing maggies makeup this girl was like "oh i like your dress" and i was like "oh thanks! do you wanna do me a favor?" and she agreed and i told her to be my friends fake date like for a minute and then blow him off then his real date will appear and then shell take it from there. at first she was scared b/c she didnt want to hurt him . but she pulled through. at first the only ppl who knew were bubba kiking and kenny. then erik somehow found out, then booger found out when we first set him up with kim. axell was still clueless, same with allyson and lorraine and alex. haha. then when axell got ditched by his date he was all ike "awww i screwed up!" then jessica appeared out of nowhere and everyone started clapping. idk why the heck lorraine had to cry, it was supposed tobe a surprise for everyone, but everyfound out in the end. (geez dont get mad at kenny, i told him not to tell.)
oh my mom pointed out how like i took my time like most of the time helping lorraine get ready, but my moms like "why is it that when it comes to lorraine you can take your time, but when you want to get ready, she rushes you?" i didnt notice it at first but then i started to think about it i got pissed. so i shouldve been the one mad not her. but it was funny when we tried to put the contact on her. and that we found the lost one on the mirror. allyson was patient but we didnt have to do much. just straighten her hair with masscara and liner.
i looked like a tomatoe with black hair and blue eyes. thank god um redyeing my hair tonight. which reminds me i have to go and do hw... still sore

1 comment:

  1. eh, i'm sorry! :\ i didn't know i was rushing you. i feel bad now.. dang. & the surprise thingy. it turned out that EVERYONE knew at the end. before jessica even came to the table. & asdfghjkl. I just felt left out and yeah. ehhhh.
